How to join the Kounotori Flock

Kounotori Token
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


You may have heard the buzz behind the super transparent $KTO or Kounotori Token in recent days. The coin is themed on the 鸛 — Kounotori (Oriental White Stork) which in Japanese culture, is often considered a harbinger of prosperity and long life. Legend has it fisher folk would see these stunning white birds dive into the water only to return with their beaks full of jewels rather than fish. It’s fitting then that the developers behind $KTO see their token as a stable long-term investment rather than the next flash in the pan.

“We’ve all seen the 10x promises of some coins and when we were designing Kounotori we knew we wanted to stay away from that kind of hype. Instead, we launched a coin with anti-chicanery measures built in. Openness is one of our core concepts which is why we’ve chosen to dox our team and third-party vetted.” Adrian Founder/Project Lead, Kounotori

Building your $KTO nest egg is easy just follow these steps.

Open a New Wallet

You can register with MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or Coinbase Wallet. Next, send Ethereum (ETH) to your wallet. It doesn’t matter where you get the ETH either as long as you have some in your account.

Connect Your Wallet to Uniswap

Head over to the Uniswap V2 website or follow your wallet’s in-app browser. Next, click on ‘Connect Wallet’, then ‘Add Token’. Now, just copy and paste the $KTO contract address from this website before clicking ‘Import’. You can also use the Uniswap portal here.

Adjust Slippage

Find the little settings cog and click the slippage tab. You’ll want to set it to between 11–13% if market conditions are normal.

Buy $KTO

Decide the amount of $KTO you want and remember to save some ETH for gas fees. Click on ‘Swap’. You can adjust the transaction speed depending on your rush and how much ETH you have. Now just hit ‘Confirm Swap’ and the new $KTO balance will soon show up in your wallet. Congratulations! Welcome to the #storkholders.

The developers are predicting big things for the Stork coin including some stunning Japanese-style NFTs which will mint later in the year. If you’d like to know more about the NFT collection or the team’s other plans you can read more here.



Kounotori Token

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